Acts Chapter 25 26 Questions



Acts Chapter 25 And Acts Chapter 26 Questions

1) Festus went up from Caesarea to Jerusalem how many days after arriving in the province?

  1. One Week             2. Three                      3. Thirty Days             4. Unknown


2) Who first appeared before Festus?

  1. The chief priests and Jewish leaders                        3. Paul
  2. The Centurion                                                         4. Gamaliel


3) Why did they urgently requested to have Paul transferred to Jerusalem?

  1. They were preparing an ambush to kill Paul along the way    3. Help the Jews Shoot him
  2. The pretext of wanting more information                              4. Make sure he would be safe


4) Where was Paul being held when Festus asked some of the Jewish leaders to come to him to press charges against Paul?

  1. Gaza                       2. In the Temple          3. Antipatris                4. Caesarea     


5) Festus told them to go and see if there is any what in this man?

  1. Wickedness in him    2. Fight                       3 Mocking                    4 Sarcasm


6) About how many days did Festus spend with the Jewish leaders before he went down to Caesarea to convene the court and have Paul brought before him?

  1. More than ten days    2.. Two days                3. Eight days               4. Less than a week


7) When Paul appeared in court before Festus, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem brought many serious charges against him, could they prove any of them.  

  1. Yes                               2. No


8 Paul made his defense and said he had done nothing wrong against the law of the Jews or against the temple or against whom?

  1. The high priest           2. The  Sanhedrin        3. The Centurion         4. Caesar        


  9) Festus asked Paul, “Wilt thou go up to Jerusalem, and there be judged of these things before me?”  Why did he ask Paul this?

  1. He was bribed                                       3. Paul didn’t want to go   
  2.  He wished to please the Jews               4. Testing Paul


10) Where did Paul say he should be tried at______________ ________________?

  1. Caesar judgment seat        2. Nero’s home          3. Supreme Court        4. Pilate’s court


11) Paul said he did not refuse to ___________if he was guilty of doing anything deserving death.

  1. Caesar                                2. Die                          3. Repent                     4. Run for his life



12) After Festus conferred with this group, he declared he would send Paul to Caesar. Which group was it?

  1. Sanhedrin                            2. Elders                    3. His council            4. Centurion Council


13) A few days after Festus declared he would send Paul to Caesar, who arrived at Caesarea to pay their respects to Festus?

  1. King Agrippa and Bernice      2. Listra and Tim        3. Mohamad          4. Drusilla and Mary


14) Festus discussed Paul’s case with this person and told him, “There is a man here whom Felix left as a prisoner.”  Who was Festus talking to?

  1. High priest              2. King Agrippa                  3. King Solomon         4.  King Caesar          


15) When Festus went to Jerusalem, the chief priests and elders of the Jews brought charges against Paul and asked that he be what?

  1. Executed                  2. Released                           3. Condemned             4. Flog him


25:16 – Whose custom was it not to hand over any man before he had faced his accusers and had an opportunity to defend himself against their charges?

  1. Rome’s/Roman          2. Agrippa’s                            3. Judea’s                    4. Pope’s


25:17-19 – Did Festus find Paul case worthy of the crimes as expected?

  1. Yes                             2. No


25:17-19 – They had some points of dispute with him about their own religion and about a dead man who Paul claimed was alive.  Who was he?

  1. Moses                          2. Stephen                               3. James                       4. Jesus



25:20-22 – After Festus ordered Paul held until he could be sent to Caesar, who said, “I would like to hear this man myself?”

  1. King Agrippa                  2. Sadducees                           3. Sanhedrin             4. The Prophets


25:23 – Who were in the audience room with King Agrippa and Bernice when Paul was brought in at the command of Festus?

  1. The high-ranking officers and the leading men of the city    3. Jehovah Witnesses
  2. Catholics and Protestants                                                      4. Lawyers


25:24 – Although the whole Jewish community had petitioned Festus about Paul in Jerusalem and Caesarea, Festus found that Paul had done nothing deserving of________. 

  1. Honor                            2. Beheading                           3. Death                      4. The rope


25:25 – But, because Paul made his appeal to Caesar, Festus decided to send him to______________.  

  1. Asia                                 2. Rome                                   3. Samaria                   4. Alaska



25:26,27 – Festus had Paul brought before King Agrippa, so that as a result of the investigation he might have something to write.  Festus thought it was unreasonable to send a prisoner without specifying what?

  1. What he has confessed to                   3. A lie detector test result
  2. What courts he was tried in                4. The charges against them   


Acts Chapter 26 Answers

26:1 – What did Paul do after king Agrippa gave him permission to speak?

  1. Went to the bathroom                                            3. Pleaded for his life
  2. He stretched his hand out and defended himself    4. Called his attorney


26:2 – Paul was defending himself against the accusations of whom?

  1. The Gentiles                                    3. The Jews
  2. The Sanhedrin                                 4. Elders


26:5 – Paul lived as a __________ according to the strictest sect.

  1. Pharisee                                            3. Priest
  2. Elder                                                4. Roman


26:6 – Paul was on trial because of his hope in what?

  1. Promise of God                                 3. Roman law
  2. Moses                                                 4. Chief priests


26:9 – Paul said he was convinced that he should do all that he could to oppose what?

  1. The Jews                                             3. The Jehovah Witnesses
  2. The name of Jesus of Nazareth           4. The Romans


26:10 – On the authority of the Chief Priests what did Paul do?

  1. Shot them                                            3. Put many of the saints in prison
  2. Sent them to Roman                            4. Convert them back to Jews


26:11 – What did Paul try to force the saints to do?

  1. Walk a long way                                   3. Follow the law
  2. Fight lions                                            4. Blaspheme God


26:12 – In his obsession against the saints what did Paul do

  1. Personally beat Christians                       3. Told the Romans where they hid
  2. He went to foreign cities                         4. Targeted them for destruction


26:13 – On the road to Damascus at about noon what did Paul see?

  1. A bright light from heaven                      3. Hallucinations
  2. A Roman army                                        4. Flying saucer


26:14 – When Paul saw the light he fell to the ground and what did he hear?

  1. Saul Saul why do you persecute me         3. Hollow ground
  2. A Roman said get in line                         4. Go home


26:14 – What language was the voice speaking in?

  1. English                                                     3. Hebrew
  2. Chinese                                                     4. Greek


26:15 – When Paul asked who are you what did the voice say?

  1. Convert now to Christianity                       3. You are now a Protestants
  2. I am Jesus whom thou persecutes              4. Go to Jerusalem


26:18 – Why was Jesus sending Paul to his own people?

  1. Show them they sinned                               3. Lead them to the after the life
  2. Show them where Moses went wrong         4. To open their eyes to light of God



26:18 – Why did Jesus want them to turn?

  1. So that they may receive forgiveness             3. So they would not die physically
  2. So they could speak in tongues                      4. They would start going to church


26:20 – First to those in Damascus, then Jerusalem and in Judea what did Paul do?

  1. Started riots                                                  3. Got arrested
  2. Went to the synagogue                                  4. Preached that they should turn to God


26:21 – Where did the Jews seize Paul?

  1. The high priest home                                     3. In the temple court
  2. Temple Mount                                                4. Caesarea



26:21 – What did they try to do to Paul?

  1. Anoint him                                                     3. They tried to kill him
  2. Behead him                                                     4. Confuse him



26:22 – With Gods help Paul was able to testify to who?

  1. Asian Jewish people                                         3. The small and great alike
  2. The Yiddish people                                          4. Jewish leaders


26:23 – Paul said that Christ would rise from the dead and shew a great what?

  1. Light                                                                   3. Airplane
  2. Rainbow                                                              4. Army


26:23 – Paul said that Christ would rise from the dead shew a light to who?

  1. Anyone that needed a light                                   3. Those whom he leads
  2. Jewish leaders                                                       4. People and the gentiles


26:24 – Festus interrupted Paul and said what?

  1. You are out of order                                              3. You are out of your mind
  2. Not your turn                                                         4. Control yourself


26:25 – What did Paul say to Festus?

  1. I am not insane                                                        3. I have full control
  2. You insulted me                                                       4. Your day will come


26:27 – According to Paul did Agrippa believe the prophets?

  1. Yes                                     2. No


26:28 – Agrippa said Paul Almost thou persuadest me to be a ___________?

  1. Roman                                                                     3. Christian
  2. Catholics                                                                  4. Pharisees


26:29 –Did Paul want King Agrippa to be just like him except for the chains?

  1. Yes                                       2. No


 26:31 – Did King Agrippa fell Paul deserved death or prison?

  1. Yes                                        2. No


26:32 – This man might have been set at liberty, if he had not appealed unto_______.

  1. Jesus                                                   3. Caesar
  2. Herod                                                 4. Lysias